Upcoming deals from HostCram (reserved)
[9:00 EST] HostCram: $6/yr 1GB i9 NVMe KVM VPS in Dallas
Core i9: KVM-1C
1 vCPU Core (i9-11900K)
1 GB DDR4 RAM (3200 MHz)
11 GB NVMe SSD Storage
1 TB Bandwidth @ 1 Gbps Port
1 Dedicated IPv4 (Free /48 IPv6)
[23:30 EST] HostCram: $8/yr 8GB i9 NVMe KVM VPS in Dallas (Monster: KVM-8G)
Monster: KVM-8G (Linux & Windows OS)
4 vCPU Core (i9-11900K)
8 GB DDR4 RAM (3200 MHz)
80 GB NVMe SSD Storage
4 TB Bandwidth @ 1 Gbps Port
1 Dedicated IPv4 (Free /48 IPv6)
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