Olympic opening

2008-08-26 / 0 评论 / 899 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...

Attracting an estimated four billion viewers across the world, the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games have won waves of applause and excitement from around the globe. Many in the overseas audience praised the magnificent show as a creative combination of China's rich traditional culture and the charms of modern art and technology.

Attracting an estimated four billion
viewers across the world, the Opening
Ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic
Games have won waves of applause and
excitement from around the globe.

The live broadcast of the Olympic opening ceremony is over, but the atmosphere inside the Chinese Embassy to the Netherlands is still full of excitement. Many foreign diplomatic missionaries gathered here with their families to watch the splendid show. Many even changed their holiday plans for the occasion.

In the United States, over ten-thousand people from more than 60 ethnic races gathered at an equestrian court in Sacramento to celebrate the opening of the Beijing Games. And the theme of the party was, One World - One Dream.

Over in Germany, Chinese restaurants in Berlin were crowded with people watching the ceremony on TV.

Berlin audience said, "The ceremony is just unbelievably creative. Everything is just too beautiful. The high-tech performances are amazing. I'm so excited, I almost burst into tears."

Many foreign residents say the successful
opening show displayed a new and
developing China that they've never
seen before.

Many foreign residents say the successful opening show displayed a new and developing China that they've never seen before.

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