
2008-08-02 / 0 评论 / 878 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...

髋关节脱位 dislocation of the hip
髋内翻 coxa vara
Allis 法 Allis method of close reduction
Bigelow 法 Bigelow method of close reduction
股骨头缺血坏死 avascular necrosis of the femoral head
创伤性关节炎 traumatic osteoarthritis
股骨颈骨折 fracture of the femoral neck
前倾角 anteversion angle
股骨矩 calcar femoral
Singh指数 Singh index
Garden分型 Garden classification
Bryant三角 Bryant’s triangle
Nelaton线 Nelaton’s line
中空加压螺钉 cannulated compression screw
内固定 internal fixation
髋滑动螺钉钢板 (DHS) dynamic hip screw
Garden对线指数 Garden aligment index
股骨转子间骨折 intertrochanteric fracture
Evans分型 Evans’ classification
Gamma钉 Gamma nail
股骨近端髓内针 (PFN) proximal femoral nail
角钢板 angle plate
股骨转子下骨折 subtrochanteric fracture
股骨干骨折 fracture of the femur
Bryant皮牵引 Bryant’s skin traction
Russell皮牵引 Russell’s skin traction
外固定架 external fixator
股骨髁上骨折 supracondylar fracture of the femur
动力髁螺钉 (DCS) dynamic condylar screw
髌骨脱位 dislocation of the patella
髌骨半脱位 subluxation of the patella
Blumensaat线 Blumensaat’s line
Insall测量方法 Insall’s measurement
沟角 sulcus angle
适合角 congruence angle
髌股外侧角 lateral angle of patellofemora
外侧支持带松解术 lateral retinecular release
髌骨部分切除术 partial patellectomy
髌骨切除术 patellectomy
髌骨骨折 fracture of the patella
张力带 principle of tension band
前交叉韧带 anterior cruciate ligament
后交叉韧带 posterior cruciate ligament
侧方应力试验 lateral stress test
前抽屉试验 anterior drawer test
后抽屉试验 posterior drawer test
轴移试验 pivot shift test
膝关节旋转不稳定 rotatory instability of the knee
骨—髌腱—骨移植术 bone—patella tendon—bone graft
半月板 meniscus
McMurray试验 McMurray’s test
Appley试验 Appley’s test
盘状软骨 discoid cartilage
胫骨平台 plateau of the tibia
胫腓骨骨折 fracture of the tibia and fibula
筋膜室综合征 compartment syndrome
带锁髓内针 interlocking nail
踝关节 ankle joint
Lauge-Hansen 分型 Lauge—Hansen classification
AO 分型 AO classification
下胫腓分离 diastasis of inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis
跟腱断裂 rupture of achilles tendon
距骨颈骨折 fracture of the neck of the talus
跟骨骨折 fracture of the calcaneus
Sanders分型 Sanders’ classification
跖骨骨折 fractures of the metatarsals
趾骨骨折 fractures of the toes

心电图 基本三课
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